Friday, April 4, 2014

People in phases...

People in phases,
People in situations,
Caught like stars in a galaxy
Who stays a stranger?
Who remains a friend?
Walking on dotted lines, making time seem fine

A twirl of events;
A slow dance of souls
We cross paths, our journeys too long
Seeking connections, sometimes not…
Things happen, sometimes not…

Held by a string of thoughts
Bound by none but time
Each connection, an unexpected reason
Our hearts find home,
The smiles seem known.

No matter how short, how deep
Connections, these are
Let it be, as they are...

For we, are people in phases
Phasing in, phasing out
Making moments shine out of dust
Writing stories etched in our hearts

Prone to wins & losses
Still looking, while the universe is at play
‘Something is out there’, they say.
Strangely, we know…


Wandering Sonata said...

Thank you so much. :)

Arpan said...

stumbled upon your piece. beautifully jotted :)

Wandering Sonata said...

Thank you, Arpan. Glad to know. :)