Sunday, October 7, 2012

I am Black…

I stood behind as still as the wall,
A wall so full of puzzles and shadows…
I could never have that stage,
But their drama is flawed without my body.

I am that black canvas inside your thoughts,
One colour for many emotions…
Without me, light has no worth;
You’ll find no direction unless you surrender…
I’ll show you more than you wish to see;
And leave fine lines in your memory…
I am black; more than just a colour
I give shades to those blurred fragments of your mind…
Without me love isn’t as sensuous;

The Moon isn’t half stunning;
Without me, there wouldn’t be a ‘night’
My darkness frightens the mortals…
I am that silhouette of fears, wrath and pain;
That stranger who follows them everywhere they go…

 My presence haunts the prude,
But the poets call me their muse…

You can run away and abandon me…
But remember, I’m the one when you seek refuge;
I am that partial life in between your heartbeats;
The only destination beyond that ‘finishing line’


H said...

brilliant. reminds me of "paint it black" of rolling stones.

H said...

brilliant. reminds me of "paint it black" by rolling stones.

Wandering Sonata said...

Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

excellent- incredible